10 Things That Make Me Happy
Who: Leah Herzing
Where: Portland
What: Nanny, writer, artist
Where: Portland
What: Nanny, writer, artist

The new internet engine that donates cents to your cause every time you search!

I'm recently addicted to Karen Armstrong's religious historical non-fiction.
The Bible: An Autobiography, $14.95, powells.com

I have dreamed of owning Simple shoes for so long...And with the help of a sale and a Christmas gift card, THEY ARE MINE! Made from lots of cool recycled materials, so you can feel hip and green.
Women's Toetally Boot in Tan, $120, amazon.com

Finds on etsy are never ending! It's hours of fun searching the shops.
Popcorn slug, $9.00, LullabyLily, etsy.com
Sentimental Bling
My new aquamarine ring that I don't have a picture of yet! I found it while visiting family in Washington, IL., and put it under the Christmas tree from Dan to me :-)
$17.50, Touch of Homespun, (309) 444-5707

I stocked up on a bunch of these after I took a pair home and realized how great my butt looked in them. Hubby-tested and approved.
Bluebird Graphic Boy-Short, $6.50, oldnavy.com

I couldn't live without my blankies, all things soft and wrappy-wonderful! My long-term goal is to outfit our entire bedding with organic linens like these from Gaiam.
Assorted Deluxe Flannel Bedding, $44.00-$100.00, gaiam.com

I keep all kinds of cards, paper, labels, and envelopes on hand for notes to friends and family. This box of cards by Binth is my favorite to have handy for newborn congratulations.
Alphabet Boxed Notecards, 5-3/8" x 7-1/2", 26 cards & envelopes, $16.95, chroniclebooks.com

My current IV. Helps with nausea from all of my drugs. I'm currently drinking the 365 brand from Whole Foods because it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup...But I am on the look out for something more tasty. Any suggestions?
Blenheim Mild Hot Ginger Ale, 12 oz. bottled six pack, $8.29, beveragesdirect.com

Target Bags!
I don't have a photo of my current one--a mustard yellow shoulder tote by Mossimo with a great front pocket for my nano. However, I'm already coveting this cheery one by Hayden-Harnett.
Canvas Flight Tote, 18" x 2" x17" $49.99 Target.com
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