Jul 9, 2007

Our Organic Finds for Future-Baby

(Under the Nile - 100% organic cotton)

(Under the Nile - 100% organic cotton)

(Snail Says....! Oh! Angels Organics - 100% organic cotton)

(Red Cap Cards - 100% organic cotton)

(Pure Organics - 100% organic cotton)

(Sense Organics - 100% organic cotton)

(Kate Quinn Organics - 100% organic cotton)


Christie said...

Is the onesie from Under the Nile super soft? It looks super soft.

Leah said...

Yes! It has a little bit of the "newness" stiffness, but I'm sure it will soften with the first wash. I picked them up at Segal's. As long as future-baby isn't a 10 pounder like his daddy, they'll come in handy. :)

Christie said...

10 lbs?! Heavens to Betsy! That would be good reason for an epidural, wouldn't it?

Off topic, do you like Bobux or Robeez or are they basically the same? (We've got a vote going on over at the blog. I found the perfect pair for the Resident Alien but Darr feels they are too expensive ($26). To which I reply "Um, what? Are you crazy?" Feel free to weigh in if you get the chance.)

E-mail me when you've got some spare time (c_glynn11@yahoo.com) - I seem to have misplaced your e-mail address. We'd love to have you guys over for dinner sometime.