Oct 12, 2007

A Gift for a Happy Marriage

Recently our friends Ali and Anthony were wed in a private ceremony on the coast. I was invited to her bridal shower and bachelorette party (um, those photos might resurface later on....be warned...) and of course, being the procrastinator that I am, I put off getting her gift until the last possible minute.

However, what I managed to come up with (as I ran to five different stores on my lunch break--Powells, Anthropologie, Oblation, etc.) is a gift I think even Martha Stewart would be proud of! In fact, I was so happy with the results I took pictures! I was also labeled "the overachiever" by my friends at the shower! ;-)

Premise: Home. Multiple boxes stacked with multiple gifts--one for every room in the house. Ali & Anthony went to Bali for their honeymoon, so in honor of this, I made tags that read the Indonesian word for each room, corresponding to the gift appropriate for that room. The tag on the top of the package read "Rumah," which is the Indonesian word for home. I ended up with a gift each for the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, living room, den, and bedroom (but this could easily vary for more or less gifts.)

What made opening the gift fun was the fact that Ali didn't know what the Indonesian words were, so everyone had to guess what gift was for what room. Some were easier than others. Like, the cookbook was pretty obvious for the kitchen. But candle holders? They could be anywhere! It was the process of elimination, and the funny part was that the last gift (at the bottom of the big box) clarified everything. (Unless you wear sexy panties in the kitchen and read cookbooks in the bedroom...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a great idea. You put a lot of thought into your gifts. You do it over and over again. Love you. See you soon.