Dec 28, 2007

And the Grammy Goes To......

None of these artists. I was actually really surprised how much great music came out in 2007! '05 and '06 were a bit lackluster, and I almost gave up on music entirely, but Rhapsody, Paste, and wonderful friends, dragged me back in. Many of these are old stand bye's, but many are new favorites. Now, in no particular order, my favorite albums of 2007!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is my list:

1) Les Savy Fav – Let's Stay Friends
2) Modest Mouse – We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
3) Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
4) Elk City – New Believers
5) Dean and Britta – Back Numbers
6) Wilco – Sky Blue Sky
7) New Pornographers – Challengers
8) Minus the Bear – Planet of Ice
9) Magnolia Electric Co – Sojourner
10) The Sea and Cake – Everybody
11) Ted Leo – Living With The Living
12) The Twilight Sad - Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters
13) Dinosaur Jr – Beyond
14) The Church - El Momento Siguiente
15) Son Volt – The Search
16) Trans Am – Sex Change
17) Film School – Hideout