Feb 11, 2008

Political musings

So I am not sure if Leah and I have ever mentioned our political leanings, but holy smokes, this Democratic Primary is ultra exciting! For many years the Oregon Primary has been so late that it never mattered who you voted for, because they had already sewn it up. This year it may turn out to be different.

So who do I vote for?

Well, no one for now. I am still registered to vote in Multnomah County, and haven't changed to Washington County (where I now reside). That is my one goal of this week. Register! I have to take part in this parrrtaaay.

To be honest. I am happy to have 2 candidates that I would like to vote for in the General Election. I mean, when is the last time that happened? Hillary or Obama? Doesn't really matter to me, just as long as "G-Dub" won't be able to run again. I may be leaning a bit toward Obama, I mean, that is what all the cool kids are doing right? Hillary will put up a big fight though, and if she wins, I still believe she has what it takes to move this country back in the right direction. It is just that Obama is saying all the right things, and speaking to what many people are yearning for. A President that hasn't been corrupted (too much) by American politics. The key word in the previous sentence, "speaking". If there is one beef I have with the Obama campaign, it is that there is too much speaking, and not enough answers. Answers about illegal immigration, the economy, the war, and health care. Hillary has been doing a better job of that, and that is why she may eek out the nomination in the closing months.

The best part about this election, seeing the uber Conservatives (Limbaugh, Larson, and Coulter) squeemish that McCain, the most moderate of Republican's (heck he might as well be Democrat), itaking it to the Mittster and Huckabee. Love it, love it, love it!

I am sure we will update you on how we vote, once the day has passed, but until then..........Go Hillobamainton!!!!


Christie said...

Man, would I love to see a Clinton/Obama '08 ticket.

Cathy said...

I love listening to Obama talk. All his speeches are just so inspiring. Not sure if I think he's the best person for the job, but he does talk a good talk.

MissyP said...

I must say I have problems with Clinton and Obama. I am a die-hard Kucinich girl. The next term is doomed no matter who gets it. Kucinich was the only real liberal with a real desire for equal rights. I would be happy with Clinton or Obama for the wrong reason: historical breakthrough. I am elated that our next president could be a woman or black man, this is necessary for our country to progress and establish true equality, even though I'm not amped about either candidate.