Feb 18, 2008

SOS Mac users.

After 17 plus years of being a Mac user I have run into the first thing that is baffling, and driving Leah and me CRAZY!!!!! We are having trouble bringing up our Internet connection. We use an Airport to get a wireless signal, and everytime we log on we have to re-start, shut down, turn off powerstrips, unplug power strips, stop, repeat, stop. This goes on over and over again, until for some unknown reason, it will appear! It is like we have a little elf living in this thing that decides when we can view the Internet, and when we cannot. I DON'T like elves running my life!

Does any one know what might be going wrong, or how to rid Mac's of elves? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That is probably one of the reasons we don't post that much. By the time my muse arrives, I get frustrated trying to get on the net.

Until my next post (likely tommorrow if the elf allows).......enjoy this pic.

1 comment:

Darren said...

Troubleshooting steps
1) When it appears or doesn't appear -- I guess that means your airport signal on the top right is down. What happens if you turn off and on your airport on from that menu?

2) Get (or borrow from a handy geek) a network cable and plug your laptop into the airport directly to see if that works. (This will tell us "something")

3) What do the status lights say? I think the middle one should glow and one or both of the side ones should flash (assuming you have the funny-looking one and not the one that looks like a box) http://www.apple.com/support/manuals/airport/

4) Are you powering on and off the airport itself? How long does it normally take for your system to come online after power is restored. For us it's about 2 minutes, but this depends on the type of internet.

Christie's mac had a problem like this once, every time she opened it she'd have to turn off and on airport. (On the laptop) Never did figure out the cause.