Jun 10, 2008

This Is My Brain on Anthropologie

I had the recent fortune of receiving two generous gifts from my best friends, Megan and Hattie, that allows me a $XXX.00 shopping spree at Anthropologie. For the average consumer, this might entail a fun shopping spree, but I am no average consumer. I have been obsessing over the possibilities for weeks. When will I ever have this sort of spree again? I have to choose my items wisely, and this is far more complicated than one might think given the fact that there are so many ways to indulge yourself at this store; dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, handbags, jewelry, soaps and perfumes, rugs, dishes, books, lamps, linens...The list goes on and on.

After several "scouting" visits, I think I have formed my strategy...

1.) Personal. Today, I picked up a pair of sunglasses. (Practical? Maybe. I didn't even look at the UV protection. Mostly, they make me feel like a movie star). In terms of personal clothing or accessories, I felt my purchase would be most fruitful when put toward an item or items that I truly need. Other considerations: Earrings that can go with everything, a nice cardigan sweater (always practical and I adore the handmade "grandma" look of designs by brands like Ric Rac, Little Button, or Guenievere), or one of those cute little change purses--or, preferably the longer glasses purse, which I would use to contain my ridiculous plastic pill case. [After all, my philosophy is when you loathe something, find a way to make it a.) pretty or b.) smell good. I learned this from Megan, who lived for several years in her first house without a dishwasher. To coax her consciousness in a place of greater peace during washing dishes, she bought wonderful, fragrant soaps, fun and pretty tools, and set up a mini TV on the counter.]

[Damn, is she a movie star or what?]

2.) For the Home. This is my greatest difficulty because I want my house to look perfect and I have absolutely NO budget to do anything to achieve perfection. Not to mention I am absolutely addicted to obsessive decorating mania. There is no rest for someone like me. (My husband stands by watching in disbelief and confusion.) My strategy is to divvy up the purchase power of my store credit between rooms. I've asked myself, what does each room need? What would tie it together or add a sense of character? Well, unfortunately, there is no gift card with a great enough amount to meet the needs of our home. It just doesn't have good bones. It's a typical, cheap apartment built in the 70s with no character or architectural details. And those added by the owner before us don't quite add up. (Have I shown pictures? Bizarre.) I've considered wallpapering the bathroom or kitchen, a new rug for the living room, new bedding for the guest room, or accents for the kitchen and dining area, to name a few. There is only so much I can do, so it's come down to this room or that room. Today, I bought some clearance glasses for the kitchen. They're the small childlike glasses with single letters and graphics silkscreens. Dan and Hobbes broke the last two I had. I bought "H" for Herzing, "L" for Leah, "D" for Dan, and "E" and "F" for my favorite future-baby names. Call me crazy--I don't care. Next, I plan to purchase a tablecloth, hardware for our bedroom, wall decor for the living room, and a few accessories here and there. I had to let go of the wallpaper idea because Dan about had a coronary over the idea of applying wallpaper to the kitchen. I hope to have actual photos of our place soon. I always promise and then don't deliver because I am a perfectionist and nothing is ever good enough to photograph and share.

[Dan, Ezra, Fern, Herzing, Leah]

1 comment:

Fern said...

Interesting. When I was little I always identified the colour green with my name too. All of my name tags were written in green crayon.