Jul 14, 2008

Economic Stimulus Check

We got it--finally. I wish we could use it to get Dan a new fishing pole, myself a new bike, or maybe just for fun to go out to dinner and see a movie. Instead, the whole whopping thing will go to medical bills. And I have insurance. And we MET the $1000 deductible practically right off the bat! Medical bills are such a pain. Did I mention I'm looking for a new job with benefits? We also have a special assessment on our condo to get new roofing completed on all of our buildings. Luckily Dan has been doing side jobs every weekend over the past year, so his savings will cover that, enabling us to use our "economic stimulus check" to pay for past due medical bills. What is necessary. For blood tests. Doctor visits. Invasive pelvic probe procedures. Thyroid testing. A shot of a powerful painkiller straight to the hip. How stimulating.

Please share the wonderful things that the rest of you have done with your checks!!! I want to live vicariously through you........!


Anonymous said...

Still sitting in the drawer. Don't know what to do with it. Maybe train tickets. Love that thought.

Cathy said...

Hmm...sorry - we used it for a Disney Vacation in October. Though somehow I'm spending way too much time and money getting ready for it...