Nov 15, 2008

I'm Just One More Person Obsessed with Twilight

This past week I read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers. Highly addictive. My friend Ali lent me the first two books. I read the 2nd book in 1 day (crying so much Dan was kinda worried...) and woke up the next morning and bought the third book. When I finished the 3rd book the next day, my eyes turned red in pure thirst for the last book. It was sold out at the Target in Sherwood! I raced around in the rain, desperate to find it, and then promptly started reading at red stoplights on the way home. I finished it by midnight.

I just want to say that they are great reads; fast, easy, and fun. I know that the movie isn't going to be exactly like the book (and it could never be as good as the book), but I'm excited to see it anyway. I'll be driving up to visit April (another I-will-stay-up-til-2-in-the-morning-to-read-this-book fan) to see the premiere together. Then I'll get to see an encore at a Sunday matinee with Ali, who feverishly texted me as I read the books to gossip about the plot-twists. ;-)


Christie said...

I saw a boxed set of these books at our local bookstore but the guy behind the counter didn't have much to say about them other than a lot of chicks read them. :) I'm glad to hear you like them. I've been looking for some entertainment reading and this sounds as if it will fit the bill perfectly. (The movie trailers look good to me!)

Cathy said...

Honestly on the way home tonight I was trying to think of "that series that everyone online is reading...about vampires" to add to my Christmas list. And here it is!

Christie said...

Just went to Costco and bought the whole series. As soon as I'm finished the the Dean Koontz pulp fiction I'm consuming, I'll start on these. I'm very excited!

April said...

Ooooh! This post brings back the memories! :-) What a fantastic night that was! Good flick, good food, and good friends. Did I tell you Jason and I went and saw it the next night, too?!? It was just as good the second time, and Jason really enjoyed it as well! He's so cute about movies ... he'll refer to us as the characters from the latest movie we've watched. So lately, he's been Edward or Jacob (depending on his vampire/werewolf preference) and I'm Bella -- what a crackup! :-)