Dec 10, 2008

Artist: Robert A. Nelson

[The Milk Train Arrives for Loading
Mixed media on paper 30 x 42 inches.]
I wish this image was larger, but this size was all I could find! I was thrilled to see Nelson exhibiting another show in the Pearl at Beppa Wiarda gallery this month. This image just does not do him justice, but I wanted to give you an idea. They are quite large pieces, on paper, usually depicted with mixed media or pencil. With the most fantastic intricate detail, I am always moved by the way his images address humanity, myth, industry, and animal...Often it is violent or disturbing but it still rings true--Humanity, myth, and nature is indeed partially composed of the bizzare, grotesque, and brutal. Anyway, much love for his artwork...If I am ever able to purchase original art for my home, his would be the first I would acquire! See more of his work on the Beppu Wiarda gallery web site.

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