Dec 17, 2008

Project #4: Growth Chart Keepsake

I wish I could claim creative credit for this heirloom growth chart, but I got the idea from fabulous Miss Natalie. I used the same concept but made it a little Christmas-y with red and white polka dot lining and a green label on top with Logan's name. Every Christmas Eve, Logan will get to measure his height on the hanging burlap strip and record it on a pinned tag. Everything easily folds up, stored in the box until the next year. The trickiest part was finding the right wide burlap strip (ultimately found at Walmart) and hot-gluing the yarn. (Thanks, hubby!) A little birdie told me that my sister is making a blog, so hopefully she will share photos of Logan's first measurement!!


Christie said...

That is too cute, Leah. Don't ya just love Etsy?

Cathy said...

That's adorable!

April said...

Another creative moment by Leah! :-) Love it!