The next few days following our surprise test results were ....surreal. I definitely feel like finding out I was pregnant was the most surreal experience I've ever had. Despite the fact we had been waiting and trying for so long, I was shocked! LOL. I woke up every morning at the crack of dawn and laid there, poking Dan until he woke up. I just kept thinking, I'm pregnant. Oh my heck!!!
So I was up early on Christmas Eve and ready to go! I told my sister the news first. I messaged her and said we sent her a present from Amazon and she should check her email to make sure she got it. Of course, there was no present and the email had the photo of our positive pregnancy tests. :)
That evening I had her wait until we were Skyping to give my mom her 2011 calendar, pretending I wanted to see it. She was busy holding Lexi, so my dad was flipping through it, showing us the photos Rachel used of Logan and Lexi for each month. She also added a photo of each family member on their birthday and anniversary. When they reached September (we didn't know an official due date yet, so I was guessing...) my sister had written something like "birth of grandbaby #3." My dad read it aloud and showed it to my mom, then held it up to the screen and asked us, "Did you guys know about this!?" My mom turned around to look at Tom and Rachel, and Rachel said "Don't look at us!" At which point, my mom turned around to look at us and shrieked "Are you pregnant?!!??!" I cried "Yes!" and we all laughed as my mom continued shrieking and started crying.
Luckily, Dan was able to record it. I have watched it several times already. My mom cracks me up and the giant grin on my dad's face is priceless.
On Christmas day, Dan told Doug and then we surprised Jim & Char when we Skyped. Dan bragged a little about what I got him for Christmas, holding up his shoes and golf towel for them to see, and then had me show them what he got me: A super cute little onesie. Char mused that it was very cute, and when I said "It's for the baby," she said "What baby?" And I explained, "Our baby." Silence. "Your grandbaby." More silence. This had to sink in...!!! And then Dan said, "I got her pregnant for Christmas," at which point Char really got it! "Oh my gosh!!!!" And after answering some questions, Dan had to check in with his dad, "Are you okay, dad?" He had been quiet and perfectly still the whole time. He was waiting to make sure we weren't playing a trick on them! Nope! Not this time! :) Blasty was our real little Christmas miracle.
I think Dan actually googled how long to wait to tell people you were pregnant. Somehow we came to the decision that we would wait until the end of the first trimester. Our families respectfully agreed to keep quiet. But boy, is that easier said than done! Oh my heck! I woke up the next morning with an overwhelming need to tell my girlfriends. I convinced Dan, and then continued to convince him, slowly, over the next few weeks, why it was OK to tell so and so, and then so and so. :) Officially, during the first trimester, quite a few people knew: Grandma, Aunt Mary, Aunt Connie, Aunt Joan, Dan & Tina, Josh & Jess, Allyson, Hattie, Sarah, Nick & Megan, Kevin, Art & Andra (we found out they were pregnant first!) We saw a few friends in person here in Oregon, who knew either because I wasn't drinking or because I couldn't keep the secret while looking at them straight in the face. So, pretty early on my coworkers, Matt & Gayle, Peter & Angela, Patrick & Teressa, Andy, and Carmen & Lorri found out. LOL. By 10 or 11 weeks I was getting really antsy. I think I ended up telling Melissa, Amy, Corey, Kate, and of course, April, when we visited.
Finally, come Valentine's Day, I reached 12 weeks. Our parents were free to share the news with everyone and anyone, and we put the word out on Facebook. And waiting was worth it to get to celebrate all over again with so many people online. The messages and comments of joy and congratulations were wonderful and overwhelming!!! :)
Some of my memories of sharing our news have become top favorite memories of all time.
That must have been so awesome. :-)
Waiting til after the first trimester is pretty standard for cautious people, because that is the point at which you are at less risk of miscarriage. But that's a long time to wait. I never could!
I can't believe how time has flown since you first told us! I'm still so excited for you two. big hugggg.
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