Feb 13, 2011

future-baby making: month five

after the initial roller coaster, things have settled into a slow and steady drive. kind of like our road trip.

for me, future-baby making is riding in the car with dan and he's driving while i keep dozing off and then waking up to find drool at the corner of my mouth. i am literally trying to sleep until we get there.

it's the only way to keep my wits about me. i take my emotions to the extreme and this is my way of keeping still. so i don't watch the road. i don't make him stop the car. i don't think about anything good or anything bad. i don't ask if we are there yet.

literally the day after my last post, i started, thanks to a healthy dose of progesterone. since then, we are slowly working with my body to coax it into creating a cycle. i take a medication to help my body ovulate, then use a test kit to determine when i do and have my blood checked at the end of each cycle to see if i did at all. no luck yet, but we've seen other progress. april was the first month that i didn't have to take the progesterone to stimulate menstruation, which means my body was able to work naturally at something for the first time. yea!

so we do have a route of sorts. and i gave dan a map. i'm surprised with the scientist in him dan hasn't constructed a graph or chart by now...he is in charge of tracking my basal body temperature. (april told me she did this when trying to conceive. the body averages a single degree spike at ovulation) so every morning when his alarm goes off at 5:30, he wakes me up to stick a thermometer in my mouth. i'll drift in and out of sleep until it chirps, then practically throw it back at him as i roll over into deep sleep again. he notes the temp on a piece of paper we keep on the floor and then hobbes lays down on it as if he's keeping guard.

and so it goes. nothing exciting. days pass, notes are taken, and we keep moving. someday we'll get there. ;)

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