Feb 15, 2011

halloween weekend:

halloween weekend i was sick and missed the sufjan stevens concert, but by saturday night i was feeling a bit better and ventured out with dan and friends to our neighborhood mcmenamins. jeff, gwen, and their dog, newcastle, were visiting from LA. dan and jeff met in college and hadn’t seen each other in years. i spent sunday sleeping and blowing my nose while dan took them to powell’s, bunk sandwiches, stumptown coffee, and deschutes brewery. you know, classic pdx stuff. in the evening, we all went to carmen and lorri’s for dinner. because we wanted them to taste the best pizza in portland. lorri’s pizza. :)

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jeff and dan: a railroad conductor and….well, he wore his SNOB tshirt, so i guess dan was going as a beer drinker. speaking of beer here are a few of the local ales we enjoyed:

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2010 brewmaster reserve wreck the halls* from full sail, little sumpin’ wild by lagunitas, and oatis from the wildly popular ninkasi (has anyone had the sleigh’r dark doĆ¼ble alt ale? is it out yet?) *i find it appropriate to italicize the names of beers just as one would the title of a poem or artwork.

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lorri’s massaged kale. YUM. i should have a photo of the pizza but i forgot. i was too busy eating! lorri always makes me my own little pies without cheese :)

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in the kitchen where all the magic happens!

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i would have worn these to open the door for trick or treaters but there weren’t many out and about. lorri let me take home some of her leftover candy :)

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carmen the “baked” potato. note the bloodshot eyes. LOL

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our tired children, newcastle and rocco. BDFF.

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not to be forgotten, i sent a little halloween package to the nef and his lil sis. i heard the finger puppets were a hit :) here are some photos grandma sent of lexi and mr. gorilla…

lexi halloween lexi halloween 2


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