Feb 13, 2011

may third o'ten:

[the only photo i have yet of my new office...taken from the car with my phone.] 

i have become a nine to fiver. well, technically, an eight thirty to five thirtyer.

it is going well. i was pleasantly surprised to find out that my boss wears jeans and a sweatshirt, which is a general indication of the low-key work environment i am now a part of. and i was relieved to know that i didn't have to buy a new wardrobe of business casual clothing.

i have my own office with a large window, a desk, computer, phone, and a cork board. i promptly pinned up photos of logan, my parents, and dan, covered the desk in sticky notes (i brought my own--(sukie, with delightful trees and animals), filled the left drawer with snack crackers, and stocked the fridge with miniature cokes. i get to listen to music and leave every day for an entire hour lunch. friday has already become dan's and my lunch date day at our favorite thai place. ;)

the "work" is data-entry and correspondence, so basically i stare at the computer all day, which makes me a little stiff and cranky. i got a wrist rest for the keyboard, but other than that, i'm not sure what to do in terms of ergonomics. i have to figure out something because it already seems to exacerbate fibro in my shoulders/arms. and terrah, my newly graduated massage therapist roommate, works wonders, but she is also moving out this saturday. [yes. seven months have come and gone. it will be nice to have the place to ourselves again. i kind of forgot what it's like!? we can hardly wait.] i also plan on getting a plant or two to get a little life going on in my cave of electronics.

oh, and my coworker keeps brining in donuts. i'm pretty sure with the sedentary nature of this job and the donuts, i'm going to gain ten pounds in another week. even so, i am more than happy to be out of retail.

i really don't miss it.

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