Feb 15, 2011

november twenty-third o'ten:

it snowed last night. i woke up to white dust on the streets and the top of my car. it was barely an inch or two. so when i heard that sherwood schools cancelled classes today, i balked. never in illinois! it had to take a blizzard to keep people from going about their daily life. however, the ice has me slipping and sliding across the parking lot and there was enough snow and ice around portland (particularly the west hills) to cause my poor husband to work until 1:30 a.m., supervising crews on properties. if anything, the appearance of even a little snow justifies my pre-thanksgiving christmas music listening. :)

speaking of thanksgiving, we are headed out on a jet plane (after getting groped at the airport) on thursday. we'll be spending thanksgiving weekend in sedona, arizona with my lovelies: dan, tina, and cabel; josh, jess, pax and nexus; josh's mom, beth, and brother, pj, and his girlfriend pam, and andrea & hattie, who are flying out from chicago. i can't wait! we haven't seen joshica and pax since they left pdx a year and a half ago, and the johnson's since they moved back to nebraska in 08. a long overdue visit! with hattie and warm weather to boot! :)

i'm already planning ahead for next month...we have a great surprise gift for my mom, fun packages to send the nef and his lil' sis, yummy goodies to ship out to loved ones, and christmas cards to write. oh, i was lucky to survive the hunt for the perfect christmas card. i do this every year: work myself into a tizzy over cards. my problem is that i always pick out letterpress cards (usually a box is about $13 for six cards) and convince myself that i can afford them because i will only send a few. yeah right! i ALWAYS end up giving in and sending about 60-70 to everyone i know. so there is usually a back-up box of regular cards. so this year i was tortured by several beauitful cards and ultimately saved by my (newly?) inner-frugal-elf. a few cards that i passed up:


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while these are super design delicious, i can say i am perfectly happy with my chosen big-retail-chain-store pack. besides, it's not the card but what is in the card that counts, right? and we know everyone is just totally anxious to get this year's photo strip. :)

if picking out a christmas card is difficult, you can imagine what it has been like as we hunt for a new couch. the past two weekends dan and i have visited two couches. we are probably going to visit them again (and again?) before we get one. apparently, we are completely incapable of deciding which one to bring home. this should be fun because we are planning a major overhaul of our living/dining area--our flooring, wall paint, curtains, etc.--but wow, is it hard to decide all of these things when you have a million choices and truly, as far as the pocketbook can tell, just one shot at it.

and the couch is our starting point. so imagine the difficulty.

actually, we kind of finally reached a decision saturday but i woke up sunday morning a nervous wreck over the implications said couch might have for the room as a whole. and the room as a whole is our main problem.

it is 17.5 feet long by 7 feet wide.

that is one giant looooong rectangle with some annoying features like no overhead lighting, and lengthwise open to either the dining area or (sliding glass doors) to the porch. so couch placement is limited to the width and not the length of the room. an 84" couch is max in order to allow access to the hallway, which we believe might be a necessary factor. and with an 84" couch, we can have it against the far wall (which creates a sea-like expanse between it and the tv at the other wall) or in the middle of the room (which is what we have always done to keep an orderly distance between couch and tv, leaving the space behind the couch for a bookcase or desk.)

but we want a 110" couch so that dan can actually lay his entire bodacious body upon it. and the only place for a 110" couch is along the 9 foot wall flush with the front door (in front of a baseboard heater, thank you very much). which means our tv would be on the opposite wall, 17 feet away. oh for crying out loud.

aside from this particular bit of over-sharing regarding dimensions and placement, if on a whim you had to choose between the following two couches (each 110" for dan), what would YOU pick? (1. costs more but better quality and has a unique modern design 2. cheaper and slightly less in quality and average modern design)



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