Feb 13, 2011

what we would look like if we had four kids:


{ ~~~ ally, faith, bel, & noah ~~~ }

pretty darn cute, huh?

LOL. ;) we borrowed april's fab four...! i don't know how she does it...by 30, she's raised these munchkins so far and they are such. good. kids. i have a hard enough time raising myself and keeping THAT dog and ONE neurotic cat happy.

~~joking aside, april, you are an AMAZING mom and i hope someday i can have a special family like yours. maybe not 4 or 5 kids, though. we'll be happy if at least one would make an appearance. (xoxo)~~

how bout the rest of you parent folk? did you have the same number of kids as you wanted to or expected? are you happy with 1, 2, or 10? (okay, i don't know anyone with 10 children...other than my late grandparents, who put those kids to work on their farm) what is the best part about the # of kids you have?

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