May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

The only photo that I have of my grandmothers together: Ethel (Parr) Hendricks, Mary (Hendricks) Hodel, baby Leah, Rachel (Bucher) Hodel, little Rachel, and Martha Parr

The Hodel girls in the 80s

The Hodel girls in the 90s

My mom rockin' a muumuu at 9 months ;-)

And with me on my birthday! xoxo


Rachel said...

Martha Parr!

Leah said...

OOPS! Martha wasn't married to Grandpa, too?!? LOL.

Megan said...

I'm telling you....that muumuu KILLS me.

And YES to the 90's pic, though I'm disappointed that due to the dark background no one can tell how hard Rachel worked on her hair!!! It was BIG people, trust me. Right Rach? :)