Jun 26, 2011

10 Weeks To Go....!

At the wedding of our dear friends, Patrick & Teressa, June 25, 2011

How Far Along?
30 weeks and 4 days. I have been pregnant for 214 days! The time is truly flying by. He is going to be here before we know it!!!

Baby's Size and Development? Blasty is supposed to be around 11.5" crown to rump and about 3.5 lbs. He is pretty gosh darn fully functioning at this point! LOL. From here on out it's all about brain growth and the further sophistication of his little organs and tissues, as well as puttin' on the fat pounds to give him those chubby limbs and cheeks. :) I guess babies average gaining a half a pound a week in the final two months.

Changes in Me?

Physically...The belly continues to grow and I am getting a tiny bit of swelling at my ankles every once in a while but other than that, no changes. I am happy to report (if you haven't heard by now) that the doctor confirmed that the placenta moved as my uterus grew, so I no longer have restrictions and I am good to go for a natural delivery at this point. HOORAY! :) I also passed my gestational test (Yea!) but I am anemic and I have had to change my diet a little and take a supplement to get more iron. Unfortunately this has been a big pain in the ass because a.) My iron supplement (recommended to be taken on an empty stomach with orange juice) makes me nauseous and if I take it with a little bit of food or after a meal, I end up throwing up. b.) Calcium blocks the absorption of iron and what do I crave ALL the time, especially when my stomach is upset? MILK. I am trying to get my iron from food instead of taking the pills but I'm having a hard time not having dairy with or near the time I eat it!

Emotionally...I am getting REALLY excited. The wonder and fear/anxiety are really setting in as the due date gets closer. Reality checks are everywhere. We had our hospital tours (we had two hospitals to choose from) and selected one to pre-register at. We started the search for a daycare provider. We will start birth classes soon. I get memos from my pregnancy emails that talk about knowing signs of preterm labor and having your bag packed for the hospital. I saw a mama with a 2 week old baby yesterday and realized how close we are to meeting our sweet little Blasty in person. I now have a daily sense of both eagerness/readiness and panic! LOL

Maternity Clothes? Loving maternity pants so much that I may never go back to the old ways. Ha ha. The dress I wore to the wedding was Megan's and this cute little top that I wore to the rehearsal dinner was Lorri's. I'm so grateful for hand-me-downs! I'm also grateful that it is summertime and I can wear comfy sandals all the time AND that I work at an office with a super casual dress code!

Sleep? Sleep is going OK. I'm still getting a good amount but it is so frequently interrupted by trips to the bathroom. And Rocco has been crying every morning at 4:45 from his kennel. We don't know why and it is super annoying. I guess he's prepping us for baby cries.

Best Moment This Past Week? Dan has been reading to Blasty every night before we go to sleep and these have been special moments to me...I'm going to write a separate little post about it. :)

Movement? He is still small enough to move around completely so that his head and rump are both bulging from the upper part of my belly. I read that in the next two weeks he'll settle more head-down as he grows and prepares for birth. He is super active! He moves all day long. I never wake up and feel him moving so he must sleep when I do. Feeling him move is definitely my favorite thing about being pregnant and I'll miss it after he is born. But I'm sure holding him in my arms will feel amazing in a way that I can't even comprehend right now!

Symptoms? Same as before: Pain and discomfort in my lower back and hips, occasional shortness of breath, congestion, trouble concentrating, anxiety, acne, and also a little bit of swelling now.

What I Miss? Freedom of movement. It is so gosh darn hard to just simply MOVE anymore. Anytime I want to change the position I am sitting in it is a giant chore, and any form of walking or standing must be done with great care to avoid shooting pain, particularly around my sciatic nerve. I am also really, really starting to miss lying on my stomach. My hips and back are so worn out from lying on my side.

What Am I Looking Forward To? We have a trip this week to San Francisco and although I'm anxious about the 11 hour drive there, I'm SO excited to see family and friends and get away from work for a long weekend!

Emotions? Excitement and anxiety about how close we are getting to labor and delivery. Pride.

So much LOVE for Dan.

So much LOVE for Blasty.


Laura said...

you look cute as a button in all these pictures. :)

Leah said...

ohhhhh, thank yoooouuuu. :) xoxo

melly said...

You are the most fashionable pregnant girl ever! I LOVE that black dress!! You've had so many weddings to attend this summer :) LOVE is definitely in the air!