Feb 16, 2011

Back to Herzing Luv!

Anticipating daycare fees and adding diapers to the grocery list, I am in the process of reworking our budget and unfortunately one expense that I cut was Typepad. It's not much, about $15/mo, but that adds up, and I decided I could blog on Blogger again, which is free. There is some transitional work to do that makes it a bit of a headache, so bear with me as I try to move all my Second Wind posts over and fix broken links or images. Another bummer is that I will lose the photo albums I worked so hard on, but I am also in the process of moving everything from those and our Flickr account to Picasa. Anyway, from here on out: Herzing Luv is home. I promise to never move again. Unless there is a really good reason. Ha ha. :)

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