Mar 2, 2011

Some Reasons Why I Have the Greatest Hubby Ever

It has been a long time (seriously...I really long time) since we have had company in our home. After Terrah moved out in May, Gayle has stopped by once or twice to watch a football game or have a drink, Andy came down from Ft. Lewis for a weekend, and Carmen stopped by to help us get our TV up and running. Other than that, nada.

This fact, combined with my pregnant status and Dan's sympathy pregnancy status, means that we are very lazy and haven't really cleaned house much at all for a long time. Don't get me wrong: we take care of the necessities; the garbage goes out, the dishes get done, laundry somehow finds a way through the washer and dryer. It may not get folded for two weeks, or ever put away, but it gets clean. :)

The messiness of the house seems to have been growing in direct proportion to my loneliness. I have always struggled with feelings of loneliness, but they have struck an entirely new chord now that I am pregnant. Now I am not just lonely, I am lonely and pregnant. Waah waah. One particular evening I couldn't seem to shake the blues, so I asked Dan to clean our bedroom with me. I'm sure it was not on the top of his list of things to do after a long day at work, but he agreed. BECAUSE HE IS AWESOME. And while I started in the bedroom, HE TACKLED THE MASTER BATHROOM. I HATE cleaning bathrooms! So we spent a good hour dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, and wiping away all the dirt and grime that had accumulated the past ....many months. And I have to tell you IT FELT SO GOOD. Lol!

This Sunday Gayle and Abbie were coming over to watch the Oscars with us, so we finally tackled the great mess in the rest of the house. Dan started cleaning the bathroom (AGAIN! THE BATHROOM!) and I began trying to find proper homes for piles of junk in the living room. Something took me to the nursery and it dawned on me that Gayle and Abbie might want to see it. I got SO excited at the prospect of sharing everything with them! I started tidying up the room and organizing the piles of clothing, blankets, and books that I have unpacked. By the time I was done (sometimes you just have to stop and marvel at how cute things are or the tiny sizes!) Dan had pretty much finished everything else.

About an hour later, he told me they had to cancel. I was so disappointed. Later that night, I ended up telling Dan that I was sad to not get to show the nursery to them. I don't remember if I cried, but it is entirely possible that I did. :) Because he is THE MOST SWEETEST MAN IN THE WORLD, he asked, "Do you want to show it to me?" So we went to the room and he pretended to see everything for the first time and share in my joy over each and every little thing: The little booties, board books, burp clothes, and stuffed animals... The blankets my mom sent us that were made by my grandmothers, Rachel and Ethel... The art Dan and I picked out together and framed. Our funky rocking chair, fabric swatches, and paint colors. I talked over ideas about how to arrange the room. He was more than a good sport about the whole thing. :)

He also pointed out that while I don't have my family and close friends here to share things with, I do have this blog. So I hope you don't mind if I keep showing these things and talking about them because it makes me happy to share.

...And did I mention his chocolate milkshakes? Oh yeah. Well, it's worth another mention. He uses Tillamook ice cream, only the best brand on the planet.


Christie said...

That was a super seriously cute thing to do. I'm happy to drop by and would LOVE to see all of your baby stuff. I'll even bring the diaper pail with me because, um, there's nothing cuter than a diaper pail?

Unknown said...

je vous aime. you two are the sweetest. And I wish I was there to see it, but through this blog, I feel like I'm with you somehow!

Kathryn and Andy said...

just found your blog "again"... so sweet that Dan let you take him on a tour of the nursery. living away is so hard sometimes.