How Far Along? 27 weeks. Today is the first day of week 28, the first week of the LAST TRIMESTER, PEOPLE. WOW.
Baby's Size and Development? Blasty is supposed to be around 15" head to toe and 2 lbs. We will know his specifics at our next ultrasound in a week, when we FINALLY GET TO CHECK THE PLACENTA. LOL.
Changes in Me? MY BELLY IS BIG. I mean, big. It might not look THAT big but it FEELS horribly big. It was fun to watch/feel it grow at first, but now I'm kinda getting nervous. I can't believe it is going to get even bigger. A LOT bigger! Other changes are mostly related to painful areas around my BIG belly like my hips, thighs, groin, and lower back. I am beginning to wonder how on earth I will keep this manageable as he grows. I am pretty much in pain or just plain uncomfortable 95% of the time and by the time I get home from work, where I have sat at a computer for 8 hours, I want to cry. Sometimes I do, as soon as I get through the door into the safe hug of my hubby.
Maternity Clothes? I couldn't wait any longer and I bought a pair of black cotton maternity capri pants (kinda like yoga pants) just before our trip. And I reached the stockpile at Megan's house in Illinois JUST IN TIME, because once I put on those real maternity pants, there was no turning back to my old pairs that I wore with the belly band. In fact, I haven't worn a belly band in two weeks. It is full on maternity time and I am SO GRATEFUL that Megan hooked me up! She provided all kinds of pants, shorts, dresses, blouses, and t-shirts. We had to get a new duffel bag to bring it all back to Oregon with us, but Dan was happy that I was getting a new summer wardrobe without shopping. :) I also recently got clothes from April and Melissa, including a maternity swimsuit that I hope fits because as soon as this weather warms up, I am so ready for the buoyancy of the pool....! :)
Sleep? This continues to be a wonderful thing. I am so grateful for every little bit of sleep I get!
Best Moment This Past Week? Of course I enjoyed every moment I had with family and friends while we were in Illinois. For Blasty, I loved each of the moments where he kicked so that his grandparents could feel him. :)
Movement? YES. ALL THE TIME. AND ALL KINDS of movements. I even feel the "hiccups" now that I was always reading about. Boy, they are weird. I am surprised at how many different types of movements I feel...Some are very sharp and defined while others are widespread and subtle. He is BUSY. We have read about how this time is when they are still small enough to have lots of room to move but big enough so that I feel every movement. What to Expect When You Are Expecting notes: "Babies are actually most active during weeks 24 and 28 when they are small enough to belly dance, somersault, kick box, and do a full aerobic step class in their roomy uterine home." As But even when it hurts or makes me feel uncomfortable or is distracting, I still absolutely love it. It's Blasty!
Symptoms? Pain and discomfort as I mentioned before, occasional shortness of breath, congestion, trouble concentrating, anxiety, acne, and other unmentionables. :)
What I Miss? I don't mean to sound like a broken record but I really miss having sex with my husband. I'm just being honest!!! LOL.
What Am I Looking Forward To? Our check-up tomorrow which includes my glucose test for gestational diabetes (not a fun test but I will feel better when I know if I have it or not), and (hopefully) the ultrasound shortly thereafter. I am anxious to see Blasty again find out how much he has grown!!!
Emotions? Such growing love for little R! (Full name D.R.A.H.) :)
1 comment:
Full name hint, eh? Is that a "Rocco" and a "Hobbes" in there? :)
Being pregnant is amazing. Can't wait to meet your little one!
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