Jun 26, 2011

Reading To Blasty

Earlier this week, Dan announced that he wanted to start reading to Blasty every night before we go to sleep. He wants Blasty to know his voice. :) Luckily, we already have a large collection of books! For our baby shower at Uncle Doug & Aunt Rita's, everyone was asked to sign their name to a book for Blasty's library rather than a card. (We had an entire duffel bag full of books that we brought home!) It has been so much fun to pick a new book every night and open it up to see who it is from.**

The first night was really funny though, because the first book he picked had about 2 words in it. LOL. It was a picture book of trucks. He enthusiastically read "Truck" and "Trucking" about ten times and that was it. I laughed so hard I cried! :) Every night was fun as we alternated picking books and often opened them up to find a signature and think of a good friend or family member. Last night we opened up one to find out it was from Papa & Noni, (my mom and dad) and it was a popular book I had heard of but never read, "On the Night You Were Born." It was so sweet! Oh boy it was hard not to cry! :)

Here is a list of Blasty's first books this past week...I know it is totally silly to share it, but hey, I'm a sentimental pregnant mama:

by Donald Crews
Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer (Both Dan and I grew up reading and LOVING the Little Critter books, didn't you??? My favorites were "Just Go To Bed" and "Me Too")
The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton (I hear all of her books are great?)
On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
I Like Bugs by Lorena Siminovich (Petit Collage illustrations--I LOVE their stuff! I didn't know they did books...)
Gossie by Olivier Dunrea

Dan relinquished a shelf from his pint glass collection in the hallway for Blasty's books. (I guess he's officially entering daddy-hood!)

In an attempt to get things organized, I also got some baskets and a bin to hold toys (not that Blasty really has any yet, but I am assuming we will end up with quite a few and we don't have any closet space for them).

The red baskets were a big score from Cost Plus World Market (online) at just $7 each and then I super-indulged myself with 1 of those popular/trendy organic canvas bins (quite the deceptively HUGE container) by 3 Sprouts ($40).

**The most popular books at the baby shower were "Goodnight Moon" and "Guess How Much I Love You." Blasty received 4 copies of each. :) Another note of interest: He received books in Spanish and French, not just English! We will have fun practicing our horrible accents. :)


Laura said...

It is so sweet that Dan asked to read to Blasty. You've got a keeper there. Sounds like you have a great selection of books already! I'm sure you'll enjoy adding to your collection throughout your son's life. And remember the library is fun for a non-committal fling with a whole lot of books.
Your storage solution is smart and looks adorable too. Way to splurge on the cutest storage bin ever.

Heather and Sean said...

Ooops sorry we didn't sign our books... But I'm pretty sure that Trucks and Guess How Much I Love You (in the picture) were from us :-)

Heather and Sean