Jul 26, 2007

Are You a Love You Love You Too-er?

Dan just called me on the way home from work and we had a short conversation as follows:

Dan asked how my first acupuncture appointment went (more about that later), and I said we could talk about it when he got home...Which is only a few minutes. He joked, "Did it make you poop?" Me: "What?!?" Dan: "Was it so good it made you poop?" At which point I burst into laughter, causing Rocco to jump up on the couch, leap to the top, and cross over onto the desk where I sat. Me: "Rocco! DOWN! Honey, did you know that our poop post got a lot of comments?" People just like to talk about poop, that's for sure. Dan laughs. "Alright, well I'll be home in a few minutes." "Okay, love you." "Love you too." "Bye." "Bye."

And that was the extent of our conversation. After I hung up, I realized I'm a love you love you too person. I always have to tell Dan I love him before we hang up the phone. Which is silly because sometimes we will talk for approximately 55 seconds in order to remind one of us that we need toilet paper from the store or that the Gardener's Choice cardboard cut-out lady on the Tualatin-Sherwood highway got mysteriously moved to HWY 43 in West Linn.

So it's silly, right? But it's habit. And I'm sure if Dan doesn't say "I love you," so I can say "I love you too," he thinks he will be in trouble. But he wouldn't. I just can't help it. I'm a love you love you too-er.


Dan said...

I don't think I will be in trouble honey, I say it because I am also an "I love you...love you too'er"

8 hours and 30 minutes to next poop.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are both "I love you...love you too'ers" Dan grew up with that. And then also throw in GDBWITU and there are long good-byes. That's how it got to be a license plate. Just in case I forgot to say it.

Cathy said...

Mike and I are both I love you and I love you too'ers. It feels strange if we somehow miss that part of the phone conversation and one of us will usually call back...