Aug 13, 2007

A Baby Shower

Dan and I had the pleasure of throwing our first baby shower for Josh & Jess, our dear friends who are expecting a little boy September 10th. (Although we all think he's going to show up early.)

Dan cooked up a smorgasboard of wonderful vegetarian/vegan food for our guests (Josh is vegetarian and Jess is vegan), and I provided a shitload of presents. (I've been stocking up since I started working at my first baby boutique in 2004. It was wonderful to see my favorite little designer outfits by Tea, Petite Bateau, and Petit Patapon, and blankets that I love by David Fussenegger and Aden + Anais, find a home at Jess and Josh's!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Is this the couple we met at Dan's birthday party? Yea! There baby is almost here. They must be super excited. :)