Aug 29, 2007


Spoiler Alert: Rachel do not scroll down if you do not want to know what is in your package!

We (okay, maybe just me) have been having fun shopping lately for future-babies. Last Sunday I went to a shower for Christie, and today I sent off a package to Tom & Rachel. Here's some of the goods that received approval from my snobby self (Ahem, I really have a very selective, designer taste when it comes to the construction, look, and feel of things. Poor Dan found us in the baby aisle at Target much longer than he probably anticipated, with me shaking my head at almost everything he picked out):

(For Darren and Christie's future-baby)

(For Tom and Rachel)

1 comment:

Christie said...

So cute! Thank you! I can't wait to snap pictures of the Resident Alien in every little outfit he's received. And those Gerber kimono-style shirts are PERFECT. I was freaking out because I read somewhere that those were the best shirts to use right away because they wouldn't rub against the lil' guy's umbilical cord stub and I didn't have any but now I do. Whew. One less thing to stress about. You did a most excellent shopping job. :) Thanks again.