Aug 26, 2007

Menu for August 26th - 30th

A short list this week since we will be spending Friday and Saturday night up at April and Jason's in Orting, Washington. Leah has also begun a gluten-free diet, which makes for really interesting grocery shopping. What is a vegetarian with a gluten-free wife to do?

-Good old fashioned spaghetti (with rice noodles), garlic bread, applesauce. (1 slice of garlic bread is Leah's freebie for the week, at least until we can locate gluten-free fresh bread.)

-Curry chickpea and tomato hash over brown rice, and something with pears.

-Fried bananas and our take on the infamous Portland "Whole Bowl," a comforting pot of rice, beans, salsa, garlic sauce, avocado, cilantro, olives, and cheese.

-Stuffed peppers, baked with fake ground beef, onion, pepper, chili powder, and hearty salads.

Snacks/lunches for Leah:
-Sea salt and pepper rice crisps
-Fruity-tooty salad (bananas, peaches, pineapple, strawberries & cottage cheese)
-Spinach, walnut, grape salad
-Chinese chicken salad
-Assorted gluten-free yogurts
-Celery sticks & peanut butter
-Morning blend juice
-Chicken poppy seed salad


Cathy said...

Why the gluton-free diet? My aunt has celiac and can't have gluton either...she was able to find some kind of beer that she can drink, not sure of the name, but I could find out if you're interested.
Dan, I should have you plan my menus...

Darren said...

Q: What is a vegetarian with a gluten-free wife to do?

A: Meet Christie & Darren at Corbett Fish House for Fish (GF for her) and Chips (Veg!)

Ok, that's sort of a lame veg option, but we can head to Piece of Cake and get Vegan Cakes and Gluten-free cakes! Gluten-free cake! who knew?

Leah said...

I'm trying gluton-free to see if it changes anything with my chronic pain. It's just a trial, but if it helps I'll stick with it!

Cathy said...

How's the accupuncture going? We took Liam to a chiropractor who also does accupuncture and accupressure therapy. It seems to have made him worse...more gassy and fussy. He put two little beads on his wrists that I was to apply pressure to before and after feeding. We're going back next week, so I'll ask if the increase in gas is supposed to happen, maybe it's clearing things up?
It's a good idea to change your diet, hopefully it'll work - though, then you'll be on a gluton-free diet, but pain free!

Anonymous said...

Dan you amaze me. Your menu plans are so appetizing. Where did you learn how to cook? It has to be another attribute from your father. He loves to create while cooking. Definitely not me. Your Dad can attest to that.