Aug 24, 2007

So Much Going On...

- Dan left me to fend for myself for six days and five nights. I ate 1 microwave mac n' cheese dinner the whole time, completely unaware what to do with myself and the whole thing to do with "dinner."

- I TOTALLY made the mistake of taking rocco to work with me last monday because I was meeting girly girls for drinks across the street...It was fun, but I can't say I'd ever take him with me again. (Most frustrating moment: taking him out over my lunch break and having him pee all over the sidewalk outside a fancy restaurant, complete with a squirt on their sign.)

- Dan spent six days in Illinois, seeing friends and family (and I was super jealous).

- I got my script back with a big, fat "A," and notes encouraging me to finish it.

- I had a two day class to finish up my summer term at Marylhurst, which puts me 12 credits away from graduation.....!

- We finally won thursday night trivia at Mckenzie's Pub (after a year of weekly efforts), making FRED THE OWL ours!!!!!

- We found out that we are going to be an AUNT AND UNCLE!!!! My sister, Rachel, and her partner, Tom, are expecting a future-baby!!!!!! :-) We couldn't be happier!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Dude, where's the latest hint on the family creed? We're all wondering if someone pegged it already. :)