Seriously. Have I said this before? I spend TOO MUCH TIME in our bed. Sleeping. Reading. Watching TV. Cuddling with my boys. It takes all holy hell to get me out of that bed in the morning--unlike Dan, who flies out of bed at the first sound of the alarm and immediately starts his day. When I get to sleep in, I could easily hang out in the bed til 2 in the afternoon. I have a VERY hard time crawling out of this cotton cocoon....
When we married, the only piece of furniture we had with us as we moved to Portland was a queen size bed, a welcome upgrade from the twin bed I had made him share with me. I still remember the second night in Portland when we finally had the bed moved in and set up, layered with a feather bed on top, loaded down with scrumptious new pillows, and I sank into the spacious goodness that was comfortable sleep.
I must admit, three years into this marriage, as much as I LOVE my husband AND the bed, it quite possibly has become the only major source of contention in my mind. Why? Because I married a man who is six foot three inches tall and weighs twice as much as me. And there's a dog and cat that think they need to sleep with us, too!
With minimal space allowed for myself (see diagram 1), and some snoring and meowing, it's really not uncommon for me to resort to moving to the couch in order to fall asleep at night, and then waking up around 3 and blindly finding my way back to the bedroom. Usually Dan has no idea, but recently he woke to find that I was snuggled up and snoring on the couch, and he felt slightly disappointed to find out this happens more often than he thought.
IN FACT, I'm beginning to wonder if my predisposition toward spending as much time in bed during daylight as possible could ACTUALLY be a treatment to suffering withdrawal at nighttime. Hmm.

(Diagram 1)
In order to continue to truly enjoy my most favorite spot in our little home, I do think the time has come to invest in a KING SIZE BED, No? If you would like to support my effort, please feel free to send donations to our address.
[P.S. Comforter found during a mega-sale at Anthropologie, and headboard was handmade --a plywood plank painted white--!]
I truly understand your position. We have come to a point where Tom has to use his own comforter because as he calls it " U wrap yourself up like a burrito and do not share". Apparently I do this with the bed space also. However I do feel a queen is not big enough for 2 + a cat. Good thing our 120# Rott & 75# Chow do not sleep with us at night!!
Just wait till you have kids climbing in to your bed in the middle of the night...then you'll feel like you're back in that twin.
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