Nov 12, 2007

Holiday Season Is Upon Us

Web Vote Alert!!!! Web Vote Alert!!!!! So my lady friend and I were discussing when to put up the Christmas Tree. I have held steadfast that the tree can go up no sooner than the day after Thanksgiving. My lady friend wanted to put it up last weekend. When is it too early to put up the Christmas Tree? Please discuss........


Anonymous said...

You already know my vote - putting a Christmas Tree up before Thanksgiving diminishes the importance of Thanksgiving. One day out of the year that is set aside for the importance of being thankful for health, friends and family is important - this day should not be overlooked or overshadowed by decorating a Christmas tree. Perhaps if the tree is put up before Thanksgiving it could be decorated with gourds, cornucopias and Turkey bones!

Elbows - Dad H

Christie said...

Growing up it was a family tradition to get and decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving. Nowadays, we do whatever is easiest. If the schedule is such that the tree trimming needs to happen sooner than later, so be it, and vice versa.

So, um, I'm of no help at all because I guess, ultimately, I leave it up to individual choice.

Leah said...

I think of the whole winter season represented by the Christmas tree. I would put it up at Halloween and leave it up til March! It's magical!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree with your pops, Dan. Turkey before Tree, much glee. Tree before Turkey, not alright with me.

Cathy said...

I've always waited until after Thanksgiving, but then it never seems like enough time with the tree up. I do love Thanksgiving for what it is - family, friends, thankfulness - and NO GIFTS NO SANTA NO CRAZINESS that comes along with Christmas. I think it would be nice to put it up after Thanksgiving and then decorate it all up for Christmas. Then, soon after Christmas take all the stuff off except the lights and just leave the tree up (to be magical and all).
Of course. This lady:
Has already started her Christmas decorations and it's tempting me to start as well...