Jan 2, 2008

Favorite Movies of 2007

Dan and I have recently seen a string of fabulous movies, which leads us to post a "best of..." list, as follows:

Juno - A smart and sassy teenager gets knocked up by her best friend. Hilarity and heart-warming moments ensue as she deals with telling her parents, finding adoptive parents, and figuring out who she is and what she wants in life. (Written by Diablo Cody, a past aquaintance of Dan and friend of Jackie Berens) *Out in theaters now!

Das Leben der Anderen / The Lives of Others - Released in the states last fall, we picked this up from the video store and were delightfully surprised with such a simple but engrossing German film about a man's position as a spy in former-East Germany. Ulrich Muhe is at first quite creepy then powerfully captivating (not unlike Kevin Spacey) as he lets himself become drawn into the lives of a couple he secretly observes.

Once - Oh, Once! How do we love thee? Let us count the ways... We were both completely romanced by this story of loneliness, friendship, and the power of music, set in Dublin over the span of several days. This is kind of a "modern-day musical" but don't let that scare you. The music of the main characters, Guy (Glen Hansard) and Girl (Markéta Irglová), is gorgeous and haunting. When you rent it, be sure to watch the extras to learn more about how John Carney created his masterpiece. Beautiful!

In a completely different vein, we are thrilled to recommend Superbad, a film surely destined to be a classic in the world of coming-of-age screwball comedies. Synopsis? Two best friends attempt to navigate buying booze for a senior year-end party where they hope to impress some girls. Will they get the booze? Will they make it to the party? Will they get the girls? Can their friendship survive?Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are the quintessential awkward and sarcastic goofballs that you will no doubt fall in love with. *Best if you take your thinking cap off and put your head in the gutter.

Hot Fuzz - (Dan's pick) Dry, quick-witted Brit humor is the key to this action/comedy/mystery, by Edgar Wright, who also made Shaun of the Dead. His unconventional style with sharp camera work, quickly paced edits, and booming sound help move things along, and we have to say our favorite part is actually the sidekick, Nick Frost, who steals the show with his banter and love for Keanu Reeves.

Black Snake Moan - (Leah's pick) If you have the stomach for a sharp but somber story about a devout Christian blues singer (Samuel L. Jackson) who develops a friendship with an emotionally and physically abused young woman (Christina Ricci), albeit while keeping her in captivity, this is worth a watch. It's a very touching and artistically rich southern gothic drama about dysfunctional relationships and surprising friendships, much like my favorite, A Love Song for Bobby Long. *Pass if you are sensitive to violence/abuse or nymphomania themes.


Cathy said...

I just got home from seeing Juno. I loved it! And with a theater full of teenagers it was even more fun to watch!
Dan - did you know Brooke or Diablo??? I don't recognize her from her pictures or her real name. Either way - it was some very clever writing.

Christie said...

I need to catch Juno but agree with your Superbad pick, particularly the part where Seth is talking to the Home Ec teacher near the beginning of the film. "No offense." Cracks me up every time.

Anonymous said...

I went to high school with Diablo, and I think she dated someone from Dan's Lemont posse.

Cathy said...

Christie- You should try to take Henry to a movie. I wish I would have done that with Quinn when he was little and still able to sleep on my after nursing. I've been sneaking out with my friends at night after I put Liam to bed - so far I've seen two movies in the theater! Amazing!

Cathy said...

Oh and Dan - where are you? Who did she date?

Dan said...

Quinn is right, Diablo (Or Brooke) went to St. Cyril's and was friends with Jackie. I think she went to Benet or one of those other Catholic High Schools. Quinn did you go to Catholic school? Anyways, she dated Tom Galos for a bit in High School (or wanted to, who didn't) and then she lived in Chicago for awhile, and attended Cat and my now legendary "porn party". Moved to Minneapolis, and now is, you know, famous.

Cathy said...

Thanks Dan! Yeah, who didn't want to date Tom Galos? Oh wait - I didn't. Although he did have some killer blue eyes.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we both attended Benet. Brook moved to LA a few months ago but I see her once in a while when she's in town.

Dan said...

Like when she is on Oprah?

Anonymous said...

Like when we drink at Red Lion in Lincoln Park after she finishes 10 interviews.