Jan 6, 2008

Missing for the '07 movie list.

The Waitress. This was another one of Leah's picks, but I have to agree with her. It is a well written comedy (romantic?) about a young lady who wants to get out of her marriage and town, and finds out she is pregnant. She bakes pies, and is super cute (which is why I liked it).

1 comment:

melly said...

So upon your recommendation, Mark and I watched this film last night...and we both enjoyed it! so thank you for the suggestion :) it hit a little too close to home for me, in many ways mimicking my past (except I did want to hear congratulations and I never referred to Claire as "damn baby", but the awful husband part rang true), but that just made it all the more humorous because I survived! So sad about the Director, she was one-of-a-kind!