Jan 7, 2008

The first of many......

Monday and Tuesday nights alone. Leah has night classes Monday and Tuesday, so I will not get to see her until 10:00 on those nights (my bedtime normally). What am I going to do? No one to cook for, no one to anticipate coming home, no one to talk to, no one to play fetch with Rocco, no one to tell my day about! So what will I do with my nights alone? Well, take quizzes like these.....

79% Mike Gravel
76% John Edwards
74% Dennis Kucinich
69% Hillary Clinton
68% Barack Obama
67% Bill Richardson
66% Chris Dodd
62% Joe Biden
39% Rudy Giuliani
33% John McCain
31% Mike Huckabee
30% Tom Tancredo
27% Mitt Romney
22% Ron Paul
18% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz (Thanks Cathy!)

Watch Ohio State get killed again.



Fight the urge to nap.

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