Jan 15, 2008

More Musings of a Lonely Househusband.

Leah has late classes tonight, so I am home alone to fend for myself. So what have I done with my evening alone?

1. Read the Editorial section and FoodDay section (steel cut oatmeal, a popular post as of late) of the newspaper.

2. Empty, and then fill, the dishwasher.

3. Listen to 6 Elvis Costello CD's on random.

4. Pay bills.

5. Comment here (Mine!) and here (Life at the Condo!)

6. Attempt to use things that may go bad in the fridge for dinner. This includes.....Spaghetti, garlic, fresh basil, olive oil,
monteray jack cheese, herbed goat cheese, and feta cheese. Could be great, could be vomit inducing, I'll keep you

7. Throw out leftovers.

8. Upload pictures like these.

9. Drink 2 Beers. 2 Beers a day keeps the doctor away (or I wish that was the saying).

10. Resist the urge to watch American Idol (too late). Why do I watch this show? It makes no sense! Please revoke any indie
cred points I have ever earned.

11. Await the phone call from Leah, and finish this post. Which just happened.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hey Dan -
It's hard to admit, but we're turning into Packer Fans over here. Not Packer Fans that want to see the Bear's lose - oh no. Just Packer Fans that think Brett Favre is really cool and would like to see him win big this year. We're hoping for a Packer vs Patriots superbowl in which Brett can show Tom how this game is played.