Jan 22, 2008

A Tuesday not alone

Normally Leah is at school on Tuesday night, and I am left alone. Today Leah stayed at home. Long day, lots of stuff, really tired, nonetheless, I am happy to have the evening with her. So let me post on dinner.

Consisted of a salad, and a baked potato (we love our potato's), and the surprise of the night........

Who doesn't like a corn dog! These little beauties have 70% less fat than their beef brothers, and believe it or not, they are very very good! The cornbread coating is a bit sweet, but other than that, you would never know they were veggie. The price tag was a bit high ($4.00), but then again, eating something that isn't made of various meat scraps is worth an extra buck or two.

TV show discovered last night..."Rules of Engagement"....The main character, who is the character that played "Putty" in "Sienfeld", reminds Leah of me. This seems to happen a lot with TV shows. Some other similar characters to me:

Ray - Everyone loves Raymond
Jim - According to Jim
Marshall - How I Met Your Mother
Doug - King of Queens

1 comment:

Christie said...

We love Rules of Engagement! Did you catch the episode where David Spade's character dates some girl who always sounds dirty when she speaks? It's hilarious!

Oh, and we are huge fans of Notes from the Underbelly. We totally identify with the main couple.