Sep 10, 2008

But I have an Interview Tomorrow Morning....

Out of anxiety, I am drinking Moosehead Lagers and blogging. I tagged myself from Under a Red Roof. Because I'm creepy and self-centered like that.

Enjoy, and play along, if you like…

Places I Go Over and Over

1. Trader Joe's

2. Henny Penny

3. Potso dog park.

My Last Three Purchases

1. Mocha Slurpy.

2. Iced mocha.

3. Parliament Lights


Places I Love to Eat

1. Pizzicato. It's an acquired Northwest taste. At least when you're coming from Chicago.

2. Daily Cafe in the Pearl. Yummy, fresh, and it reminds me of Nick & Megan.

3. Hot Lips. I guess I like pizza.

4. Lovely Hula Hands in the Mississippi neighborhood...Decadent and reminds me of Hattie!

5. Wild Abandon. Our special spot.

Dream Dinner Guests


1. Barack Obama

2. Alice Munroe

3. Tina Fey

4. Dalai Lama

A Few Places I’d love to Travel

1. Reykjavík, Iceland

2. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

3. Madison, Wisconsin

4. Italy, again, with the hubby

Television Shows I Like


1. Mad Men

2. Pam: Girl on the Loose

3. Anything on OPB

Big Accomplishments Yet to Happen - Soon, Soon…

1. Sell screenplay

2. Get a job with BENEFITS!

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