Sep 11, 2008

Breast Cancer and the Race for the Cure - Can you help Modern Image Studios?

The following letter is from Ryan, the husband of Sarah, one of Leah's dearest friends:

To all my friends and family,

I am writing today about a very serious subject. Sarah felt uncomfortable writing to ask for charitable donations from her friends and family so she asked if I would feel comfortable doing so. I asked what the cause was, and once given the information volunteered immediately. This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart, a cause that you may have been able to ascertain from the subject line of this email. We are talking about the breast. So, within this context, I ask you a simple question...who wouldn't want to be involved in the preservation of the breast and the women who manage and display them. We are talking about the foundations of society. The subject of countless pieces of art, and I am guessing, the crux of the Roman conflict and the inspiration for the majority of Da Vinci's inventions.

I remember once as a young boy finding a brochure on self examinations. This important piece of literature got me through many a trying time, providing comfort on dark nights just knowing that the breasts of the world were being slowly, gently, and thoroughly examined. If it weren't for organizations like the Susan G Komen Foundation, I don't know that this kind of support would have been available. It is my firm belief that we, as humans, must contribute anything we can to the protection of the breast. In fact, I cant be more firm in stating that we all must chip in to support breasts. What would this world be like without breasts?

As you may or may not know, Modern Image Studios, Sarah's company, gives a tremendous amount of support to the Susan G Komen Foundation, as a Gold Level Sponsor and has also donated their time as the exclusive Photographer and Videographer for the Chicago Race for the Cure. This year, the team has taken on a personal goal to try and raise an additional $5,000 beyond the $10K Gold Sponsorship. We have had a slow start, but it's not too late. Just a thought but, maybe the key is actually asking for support?! Anyway, I would like to think that every one of you has a few dollars to throw in to support the research and development of a cure for breast cancer. I promise I will only ask once a year, unless of course I need your help.

In all seriousness, I would miss the breasts, but I couldn't live without the women attached to them. Lets do what we can to help find a cure.

Here is how to participate. Go to the Modern Image Studios Team Page. Here you will be able to click on a team member name (right now we only have a few team members but Sarah and Susan are listed). You can make a secure donation by credit card right on the sight which goes directly to the foundation (you will receive an email receipt for tax purposes too). If you could help me out and send a request to any of your friends, collegues, or family that might be interested in a small donation I would greatly appreciate that as well.

Thanks again for your generous support!

Ryan Christensen (Sarah's Assistant and Husband)

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