Oct 30, 2008

Fuego & Calendars

Yesterday I discovered a great store IN THE MALL. I'm picky, so that says a lot. I'm not a big fan of national chains (although I certainly shop the hell out of Target). If you go to the mall to buy a gift, in general you are looking at clothing, candles, Hallmark nick-knacks, and calendars. (Yes, it's that time of year when the enormous calendar booths descend upon the masses...I already have mine picked out--I traditionally get a William Wegman with the adorable Weimaraners. There are always at least 2--one of adult dogs and one of puppies--and the puppies usually win my favor. This year, the choices are:

[Family Calendar, Man's Best Friend, and Puppies]

...but this year, I'm leaning toward the family calendar with the stickers. Stickers! I'll let you know. As an aside, this is not the ONLY calendar I get for the new year. I have a bit of a calendar fetish. Already I have an Egg Press offset printed desk calendar and a letterpressed wall calendar waiting to be used--chosen for that combination of antique and modern that I love so much! We also usually receive a ridiculously funny calendar from Lorri & Carmen at Christmas. Year 1 was "Extreme Ironing" (I have to giggle at the memory of it) and this year was "Nuns Behaving Badly" (find similar here). In the yoga corner of our bedroom, I placed the new calendar by papercut artist, Niki McClure. Each portrait has a single word I meditate on. I've already started using it for this purpose, so I'm in October 2009 while I do yoga. The word is "Mother." There's more. I also have to get the new miniature calendar by Jill Bliss and Saelee Oh for their unique artistry:

[2009: Gathered Together]

[2007: Farm Life]

Oh my heck. I just realized how big of a tangent I went on about calendars. I haven't even finished; I haven't even got to planners and datebooks!)

The orginal point was: I like Fuego. It has a unique and fun selection of T-shirts, cards, jewelry, books, scarves, hats, toys, etc. It's small and a little trendy, but I picked up some fabulous items; A magnet I'm sending a friend and adorable cards to frame for the future-nursery. (Photos later. Haven't I given you enough eye candy for one post?) This is a great spot to hit for stocking stuffers, too. The web site doesn't feature as comprehensive of a selection as the store does, but it gives you an idea. Sorry midwesterners. For shopping the store, it's at Clackamas Town Center on SE 82nd.


Cathy said...

I have an obsession with calendars as well. Well, really more with the planners and datebooks. I want to get myself a really nice planner this year. Mighty Goods (do you ever go there) listed some great calendars and planners last year. Though the ones you listed are really neat too!

Leah said...

I HEART Might Goods, but I haven't checked it in a while. I'll have to take a peek at their choices!