Oct 28, 2008

My Luv for "Mad Men"

Joan and Betty. I want to be them both. Did you see the season finale? It was on Sunday night at 10 and again at 11 p.m. I always watch the encore at 11 because I invariably miss the first 15 minutes of the 10 o'clock show. (This is late-night television, when Dan is snoring and I have quiet TV or reading time while Rocco nestles under the covers at our feet.) "Mad Men" season 2 started earlier this summer, and after I caught the first episode, I DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN. It has a character-oriented slow pace, that as a fiction writer I appreciate, and the characters are complex! I was instantly in love with them all! Of course I immediately put season 1 on our netflix queue, and I just wrapped up watching them a few weeks ago. Little did I know the 2nd season finale would be so soon! Now what will I do in the off-season without any other season to watch??? I might watch season 1 again... Or at least clips on the web site! I wanted to be Joan or Betty for Halloween, but I am part 2 of a 3 part costume that hubby came up with. Sigh. Maybe I will imitate her look in real life! The set design, fashion, and etiquette on the show make me wish I lived in the early 60s. It's funny to think that my dad was 20 and my mom was 13 at that time....Not that these characters represent them at all. My folks weren't living or working in New York City; they were in central Illinois amid farms. I'll have to dig out some photos of them in that era. It's also funny to watch everyone smoke! Everywhere! Airplanes, offices, elevators, restaurants, at home in the kitchen or in bed! It's so bizarre. What will they say about the first decade of 2000 in fifty years? Anyway, the point of this post was to say that I LOVE THIS SHOW AND IF YOU HAVEN'T STARTED WATCHING IT, YOU GOTTA GET THE DVDS OF THE FIRST 2 SEASONS. And then, when the show returns for its 3rd, you'll be all set and we can have a "Mad Men" premiere party together! Hmmm....I'm already planning the food and drinks.

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