Dec 24, 2008

Chain up yo!

For all you folks that have the luxery of living in the Midwest where salt the BEJEZZUS out of the roads so all you have to do is drive in slush, this one is for you.

Those are tire chains. It was the first time in 4 years that I had to put them on. The last two weeks have been like driving on an ice rink around town. Without these little devil's, there would be no way for me to get around town. Important note: that chain is now destroyed as I got the car cock-eyed on the street because I couldn't clear the 18 inch bank of snow and ice on the side of my car. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DIG MY CAR OUT OF SONW!!! I moved out here to escape that. At least Portlander's don't put out couches and dressers to save the spots they shoveled out. Enjoy the photostrip below of a once in 40 yr. snow storm (18 inches in a day and a half)


Anonymous said...

Someone or a bunch of someone's "Were Dreaming of a White Christmas" and it just got out of control - I'd say the idea "snowballed" but that wouldn't be funny!!

Elbows and GDBWITU

Cathy said...

Dan, that's crazy. And actually - maybe we all out here in the Midwest should "chain up", because the price of salt has gone up and many towns (mainly the ones I drive through to get to work) are conserving their salt (or not using any). Driving has been a bitch. 18 inches in two days? That's pretty good. I think we've got 2 feet right now - that took about a week for us to get. Then Saturday it's going to be 50 and raining - so we'll have that to deal with.

ANYWAY - Merry Christmas! I hope Leah makes it home safe and sound tomorrow night!