Feb 13, 2011

one hundredth post / hi june, bye june:

i go to work, i go to the gym, i eat dinner and watch tv, i go to bed. i wake up and i repeat.

where did june go? that's where it went: busyland.

yes, i wrote 'gym.' we are members of the sherwood snap fitness (or as i like to call it: snip fatness! we are snipper fat snappers!!!) we rock the gym together everyday after work, which seems to be the best idea i ever had. if we weren't doing it together we wouldn't be doing it, so there is much to be said for teamwork.

team herzing's beginner assessments deemed each of our fitness "fair," based on body composition, cardio, muscle endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility. "fair" was a step above "poor," the lowest level...so it could have been worse. surprisingly, dan beat me in flexibility (he can touch his toes while sitting upright, which he claims has nothing to do with flexibility but more to do with the fact that his legs are disproportionately short. and i got a higher score in muscle strength. ;) no joke! i was able to bench press a greater % of my own body weight. i keep reminding him, too.

our goals are pretty simple: weight loss and overall fitness based on those categories. we rock the treadmills and i have been using the weight equipment. i was doing jump rope but i looked like a total dork and gave up. we have "weigh wednesday" to track our progress, but overall it isn't so much about the # but the way we feel. i'm just hoping to reduce the enormous belly fat that has accumulated over the past five years. we both have too much of it, and it is the number 1 indicator for type II diabetes. i already have some insulin resistance, so getting out and exercising is really going to help me in addition to watching what i eat.

speaking of eating...we have been trying lots of new recipes but i haven't been on top of sharing like i was before. i procrastinate because we don't have a camera and our phones don't take very good photos. i'll figure it out and update this weekend with what has been going on in the kitchen. (last night i actually tried to help, but this required me to use a knife to chop vegetables and it was ridiculously awkward and tedious. the point of me helping was for us to spend the time together and get the meal made quickly but i was actually slowing the process down...)

aside from work, gym, food, and tv, i'm reading or surfing the internet or contemplating life's circumstances.

recent surfs are mostly old but a few new sites, all mom/baby/design related:

design mom, bobby robin, ohdeedoh, lil magoolie, nie nie dialogues, babble

in between reading animal, vegetable, miracle (i read each portion in real time, so i've read up to june & july) i've been reading maybe baby: 28 writers tell the truth about skepticism, infertility, baby lust, childlessness, ambivalence, and how they made the biggest decision of their lives, edited by lori leibovich with an introduction by anne lamott. hearing real life stories from respected authors was immediately appealing to me, so i picked this up at the library. i highly recommend it to anyone, really. whether you want to have children or not, or if you just want to understand what a friend or loved one might be going through if they are expecting, choosing to live childless, seeing fertility specialists, or adopting. it brings diverse perspectives together and i think it challenges judgments to be made about how, when, or if at all, one becomes a parent. this is a great book for me right now as i sit in the curled space of the unknown; as our hopes for future-baby become more and more precarious, i am comforted with hearing these voices of different experiences and greedily identifying with the emotional truths in each of them.

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