Finally! March 30th! The day we have had marked on our calendar for our anatomy ultra sound! Oh how I have waited!!! LOL. Dan always said he would want to wait to find out the sex until a baby is born but by the time we saw blasty at our first ultrasound, reality set in and I think he got curious! I am so glad he changed his mind because getting to find out today has been like a giant, mighty reward for all of my hard work growing this little babe. ;)
Not only was today important because we found out the sex, but it was also crucial to check Blasty's growth for two reasons. 1.) One particular blood protein of mine, PAPP-A (or, pregnancy-associated plasma protein) tests too low. My result was 0.17 and they prefer to see 1.0 or greater. This has raised flags for both blood screenings for Downs Syndrome and other severe chromosome disorders. We saw a perinatologist a month ago so he could examine the fluid in Blasty's spine. It was a normal amount, so he said we could generally rule out these disorders but because of my PAPP-A level it keeps a little warning flag raised. It could indicate delayed growth or low fetal birth weight. Today we were very happy to see that Blasty is growing healthy and on target (even 3 days ahead of himself!) 2.) A medication I was taking when I conceived can cause growth malformations, particularly cleft palette or cleft lip. Again, we were so happy and relieved to find out that Blasty's facial growth is normal and all of the right bones and plates have formed accordingly. :)
Blasty's face with his right hand waving :)

We decided to make today extra special by finding out Blasty's sex in a unique way. I got this idea from a couple who came into Spoiled Rotten years ago and did it. When the sonographer examined Blasty's legs and pelvis, we looked away and then had her write down the sex and put it in an envelope for us. After work, we went to the mall and picked out a boy outfit and a girl outfit. We took them to the cashier and gave her our credit card and the envelope. She became the 3rd person to know what we were having! (After the sonographer and our doctor, who teased us! Ha ha.) The suspense was killing me, but it was so much fun!!! She put the right outfit in a big gift box and we took it with us and went out to dinner to celebrate.

Here we are about to open the box! Our waitress was so sweet and really happy to help out and take some pictures to capture the moment. She genuinely seemed just as excited as we were! LOL.
Here we are about to open the box! Our waitress was so sweet and really happy to help out and take some pictures to capture the moment. She genuinely seemed just as excited as we were! LOL.
We're so very happy for you guys! See you Saturday with baby stuff in tow.
you two are so goddamn cute. What a great story.
Aaaahhhh!!! I gave up fb for lent and was HOPING that you'd post the results on you blog! Boys are fantastic, rowdy, fun!! xoxo
It's the top pic you posted. See down past the belly and there is what looks like an M? That is what my Dr. called the Golden Arches on Logan's sono! Love You!
Those are some big, beautiful smiles. Glad to see you so happy. Dad has been calling himself Gramps so I guess I'm Granny.
Hip hip hurray! Such a memorable way to learn about your little person. So fun. You guys are great.
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