How far along? 19 weeks 1 day (At the beginning of 20th week...Half way!!!)
Baby's size and development? Approximately 5-6" long and 8-9 oz.
Changes in me? I have gained another 2 lbs., which doesn't seem like enough because my belly feels so much bigger than it was when they weighed me at our check-up appointment in March! I am moving a little slower and bending over for things is getting uncomfortable. Like tying my shoes? Annoying. I'm glad that as I get bigger the weather will get warmer and I can get away with wearing flip-flops! ;-) As my uterus grows, I am noticing round ligament pain and more lower back pain. It it is nothing too overwhelming, though, and I have been indulging in massages every week to help with that and the chronic pain in my neck and shoulders that is aggravated by working at the computer every day and sleeping on my side.
Maternity clothes? Rockin' the belly band. I keep buying maternity t-shirts, too, because my t-shirts ride up and expose my belly button. I like the way the maternity tops cinch at the sides and accentuate my bump. I'm actually enjoying showing it off. No baggy sweatshirts for me! ;-)
Sleep? Better. Better. Better! For 2 reasons...1.) We moved Rocco and his kennel to the living room at night so his crying or random barks don't keep me up. 2.) OUR NEW KING SIZE BED. Yippeee!!!
Best moment this past week? Hearing Blasty's heartbeat at our appointment yesterday. Every moment with my husband. I adore him and I love this special time we have together before Blasty arrives.
Movement? You betchya! ;-) Flutters and pops. It is getting pretty regular. He is always active while I sit at my desk at work during the day and then I think he nods off in the evening. I read today that "Generally, the baby will be born about 147 days (plus or minus 15 days) from the time the mother first feels the baby move." WOAH. I wasn't sure at the time, but the first official flutter I felt was March 6th! That was really early...I think I was only 15 weeks along. That would mean my "new" due date is JULY 31st (July 17th minus 15 days or August 14th plus 15 days.) It would be crazy if that theory was true because that is over a month early!
Symptoms? All of my typical symptoms have eased up a bit. I have noticed that my nails are growing faster and my hair is a little thicker, which I've read can happen. I'm also definitely more emotional. If I see someone cry on TV, I cry. It doesn't even matter why. LOL.
What I miss? Nothing in particular comes to mind....Maybe I am getting very used to my pregnant existence.
What I'm looking forward to? Celebrating Dan's birthday this weekend. I have some wonderful things planned!!!
1 comment:
You look great, Leah! So beautiful. Congrats on your new bed! I am wishing we had one. We are outgrowing our queen for family snuggles.
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