Jul 25, 2011

5 Weeks to Go!

How Far Along? 34 weeks and 5 days. That's 243 days of pregnanthood. But who is counting?

Baby's Size and Development? According to our ultrasound two weeks ago, Blasty was weighing in at 4.5 lbs. If he is managing the average weight gain expected of babes in utero, that would make him 5.5 lbs today. I believe it. I feel it! He has become one heavy little bundle and the nickname Bulgy McBulgerson has stuck. When we see him at the next utlrasound he should be 6 lbs., which was my approximate birth weight at three weeks early. So he's definitely a little ahead of my growth but I'm totally happy to say he is trailing Dan's growth! :) It is pretty safe to say that Blasty will NOT be born over 10 lbs like Dan. It looks like we are going to have a nice average. I'll take it!!!

Changes in Me?

Physically...I've been using the phrase: It's all going to shit. It's true. It seems as though anything that could break down or go wrong with my body is taking it's opportunity to do so in this last month! So let's see: My gums are sore and bleeding, my jaw locked, I'm much more congested than before, my upper back and shoulder muscles are knotted, Blasty occasionally crowds my stomach and sends my food back from where it came from, I've lost my appetite, the weight gain has finally caught me off guard and I hurt my wrists trying to stand up, my ankles swell often, my fibro in my legs is worse, my hips get charlie horse cramps frequently, other unmentionables are very swollen and sore, and frequent hot flashes.

And yet, everyone tells me "You're GLOWING!" Ha ha.

Emotionally...I'm kinda all over the place. I have moments of extreme fear, anxiety, and loneliness, which have elicited numerous texts and emails to girlfriends. I have even begged some of them to fly out here and please. just. keep. me. company. I am also more prone to feeling just plain IRRITATED and impatient. I have been doing my best to not take it out on Dan, since he is really the only person in my general proximity and therefore most vulnerable to my mood swings. :) I also have this giant ball of love forming in my chest that doesn't quite have a way to express itself yet. I imagine when Blasty arrives it will finally melt and ooze from my every pore all over his sweet little baby body.

Maternity Clothes? I'm trying to avoid "tent" clothing but it is getting harder. :) Wearing fitted things just doesn't feel as cute as it did when my belly was smaller. I do my best to accessorize the same boring items that I do wear, and additional treats like pedicures help me feel somewhat normal and pretty. Wanting to find something special for our Oregon baby shower, I scored a dress at Target the day before and it was a huge success. I got more compliments on that dress (via Facebook, mostly) than any other article of clothing during my entire pregnancy! It is a lovely, rich blue color with a generous, draped Grecian-like cut. I LOVE it and could wear it every day. I can definitely wear it after the pregnancy, too, I'll just have to get it hemmed.

Sleep? I'm lucky to get what I can. I guess that's all I can say. After my last post, nothing has changed except I try to sneak more naps in. My boss agreed to let me reduce my hours at work so I have a little extra time in the morning to get going (every bit helps!) and I now leave work an hour and half earlier, giving me a chance to nap or float my aching body in the pool. :)

Best Moment This Past Week? Since my last post 3 weeks ago, we had our Oregon baby shower and got to celebrate Blasty's coming arrival with all of our friends here. How generous and wonderful they all are, too!!! We had a great afternoon together, sitting in the sunshine on Matt and Gayle's deck with a beautiful view, with some yummy fruit, side salads, microbrews, and assorted sausages (Dan was particularly thrilled to be grilling those sausages...That was definitely the highlight of his week!) We were so happy to see lots of friends, co-workers and former co-workers (including one of my bosses from Henny Penny!) as well as Dan's childhood friend, Jay, who traveled from Seattle with his wife and son for the occasion.

A little handmade giraffe by Melissa

A super cool mobile I had JUST seen and admired while shopping that weekend at Posh, from Greg and Stacie

Constant. Which is annoying but lovely. :)

Symptoms? No need to go over those again. Ugh. However, I will point out common symptoms that I HAVEN'T had, which include heartburn (does this mean Blasty is going to be bald?!?) and no Braxton Hicks contractions yet.

What I Miss? Lying on my back and stomach, freedom of movement like bending over and getting up and down or turning with ease, alcoholic beverages, being able to multi-task and having a greater attention span, having stamina/energy, weighing 50 lbs. lighter, and my best friends who live far away. My misery aches for their entertaining and relaxing company. :)

What I Am Looking Forward To? Another glimpse of Blasty at our (hopefully last) ultrasound, August 3rd.

Emotions? Fear, irritation, joy, anticipation, LUV for my boys :)

Hubby + Wifey + Blasty
See more photos from our Oregon shower here.

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