Jul 16, 2007

Fry's v. Anthropologie

Dan and I recently discussed what store we would choose to win a spending spree to outfit our home. (I don't know how we came to this question, but whatever. Married people are just THIS exciting.)

Dan's choice? Fry's Electronics. So at least we know that we'd have a 48" flat screen TV, new sound system, a new digital camera, flat screen computers, and a hell of a lot of DVDs and Cd's. We just might not have anywhere to sit. I, of course, immediately thought NEW BED! NEW BEDDING! NEW DESK! NEW COUCH! NEW RUG! NEW DISHES! NEW LAMPS! My pulse probably went through the roof.

Dan guessed my answer would be Hive or DWR, based on my love of mid-century furniture, but I have to admit that I couldn't deck the entire house out in that style. (I mean, given this scenario actually happened. If HIVE wanted to give me a house-full of furniture, I'm not going to say no.)

So...my choice? Anthropologie, despite my love/hate relationship with the overpriced-mega-retailer. I never have time to pass frivolously, with work and school, but somehow I always find myself wasting minutes salivating at Anthropologie's stores, the web site, or the catalogues. Really. My mouth waters like I'm sniffing chocolate.

I know I'm not the only one out there...Someone on the Internet blogs constantly about how much they love the store...! I'm not as dedicated. I do have a wish list.

So where would you go? Fry's or Anthropologie? Or somewhere else?


Leah said...

Duh. I already changed my mind. Let's be practical in this fantasy. I would go to IKEA.

Cathy said...

I think I would choose Carson's. They have really nice furniture and a decent home section for plates, towels, and things like that. Or Marshall Field's...or should I say Macy's??

And...by the way...I like your move to blogger...you guys seem to post a whole lot more on here. =)