Sep 19, 2007

I'm Addicted to School

This week I begin classes for the first term of my last year at Marylhurst. I am now officially 15 credits away from my degree in English Literature & Writing. (What do I plan to do with it when I am done? Write.)

To make things interesting, I have also begun the daunting, expensive, and tedious task of working on graduate school applications. and I will be sharing details about this process along the way. Oh yes. Graduate school. Because, apparently, I am NOT satisfied with already spending 10 years on schooling. I WANT MORE.

Applying really is a major undertaking, which is why I spread out my final credits at MU over two terms--so that I would have time for this. And serving as managing editor of M Review this year. (But that's another story.)

Anyway, here is the preliminary list of schools from which I have sought information and application packets, and let me know if you have any other suggestions because this is only 7 and I need between 8 and 10 to increase my chances!!!

Low Residency Schools (Only required to attend 10-12 days seminars on campus twice a year, while the rest of the work is done in correspondence with an adviser from home.)
Antioch University (L.A.)
Bennington College (Vermont)
Goddard College (Port Townshend, WA campus)
Naropa University (Colorado)
Spalding University (Louisville)
Warren Wilson College (North Carolina)

Full Residency (And this means we'd be packing our things and moving back across the country....)
University of Iowa (Iowa Writers' Workshop...Only the most prestigious program IN the country!)


Cathy said...

I'm addicted to school as well. That's probably why I became a teacher. My next goal (once Liam is at least 6) is to work on my doctorate degree and maybe teach at the college level.
Good luck with all the applications!

Darren said...

sweet! How about

It's in a great neighborhood!

Christie said...

Or this