Jul 31, 2008

Week of Ups and Downs

Well, mostly downs. The job hunt has been stressful and unfruitful. I'm grasping at anything at this point...About ready to apply at the gas station as long as they have benefits. I've also had a tough time with my depression...Which hasn't been easy but has lead me to believe that the medication I have been on a long time may not be doing the job anymore. I had two doctor visits, which always stress me out the night before, but in the end they were good. Dr. G. is supportive of baby-making in good time and gave me a time-table to work with, and he also recommended a fabulous psychiatry clinic in Beaverton where I can start to work with someone specifically on my anti-depressant medication instead of with a general practice doctor. It has also been a year since I was seeing someone in therapy, and I've learned in this time that I need to have that. Today I had blood drawn and even though that stresses me out, my day was brightened by the adorable man-nurse with dreads and a great sense of humor. He took really good care of me and I can't wait to see him next time. ;-) I've also been struggling with a major bout of insomnia this week, which hasn't helped my Fibromyalgia or Depression. What it has done is fired brain cells. I have gained knowledge regarding the major flea markets in the country and a special chateau in North Carolina, learned more from Pastor Scott (anyone who is awake at 2 in the morning is familiar with this Biblical scholar) and thanks to the Discovery Channel's Shark Week, I have come to understand the nuances of all American shark breeds and their locations, as well as South African Great Whites and Tiger sharks, the crazy experts that dive and swim along with them, and the not-so-wonderful stories of six people who have survived being eaten alive. I LOVE SHARK WEEK!

Anyway, tonight I was particularly frustrated after an entire day of rejections and employment trails that lead nowhere, but I had a wonderful massage and now I'm watching the results show of So You Think You Can Dance (or as we like to call it "So You Think You Have Pants"), with a whiskey and coke my hubby mixed, awaiting the fabulous bean and egg burritos he is preparing, and the lovely booger also pulled up six new job listings for me to look at while I was away earlier. I love my hubby. He takes such good care of me!

P.S. If you are in the greater Portland area and reading this and have the knowledge of a fabulous job for me, please let me know. ;-)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I'm really hoping your new set of doctors can help you figure out all the meds and stuff like that.
Good luck with the job hunt - that's never fun.