Aug 15, 2008

Surviving the Heat Wave

With temperatures climbing to over 100 degrees this weekend, Portland is freaking out. Not to mention Rocco and Hobbes. We tried placing wet towels on them for a neat cooling effect that Dan and I enjoy, and they ran from us as though we were going to chop off their feet. Finally, I poured a glass of water on top of each of them and they sulked off to cool and stop panting.

We are lucky in the sense that our condo faces the northwest and gets a lovely shade from surrounding Cedars and Sweet Gums, so unlike our neighbors situated on the opposite side in shameless sunlight, we can keep the place regulated pretty cool by keeping everything shut up during the day and letting breezes through at night. Oh, did I mention we don't have air conditioning?

We also don't have air conditioning working in our car anymore, which makes for a sauna of a commute at the end of the day, when Portland reaches peak temperatures between 4 and 6 p.m. This is one of the things that I have never adjusted to completely in the Northwest. Growing up in Central Illinois, you could expect the peak temperature at "high noon," usually spent graciously at the public pool, and then by dinner time it was cooling off. Not here.

Speaking of dinner, I did keep in mind the uber-hot temperatures when I planned our meals this week. Cool dishes like sushi rolls and edemame, santa fe gazpacho, and pasta or veggie salads taste so good when you're sweating in your underwear. And of course, ice cold ales never hurt.


Darren said...

mmmmm. ice cold ales. mmmmm

Cathy said...

I didn't know it got so hot out there! We've been enjoying mostly low 80s lately and 60s at night! It's been perfect!