Feb 20, 2008

We're Stealing the Goose, Too!

After reading Christie's post, I couldn't resist:
-Turn to page 123 in the nearest book
-Find the fifth sentence
-Post the three sentences that follow the fifth sentence


Lotus (Greek) lotus.

Lou (American) a short form of Louise, Luella.

Louam (Ethiopian) sleep well.


So why the hell was my nearest book a baby name book? Dan and I own, um, FIVE baby name books, and this particular book is our car baby name book, which we bust out when car rides are long and boring. There's a nightstand baby name book, a bookshelf baby name book, a lent out to friends baby name book and an I don't need so many baby books; this one goes to the next baby shower baby book. (In case you are hunting for good ones, here are those in order of preference: The Baby Name Wizard, 50,001 Baby Names, Town & Country Baby Names, and Cool Names for Babies.)

Still, you may wonder, why do I have the car baby name book next to me at the computer in the office at work? I have baby-itis. And because we are in a holding pattern, all I can do to ease my itis is think about names for future-baby.

This means Monday night when I was an insomniac and couldn't go to sleep until 4:30 a.m., I tackled the nightstand baby book with rejuvenized fervor, only to find ***THE PERFECT BOY NAME*** and hop online to research the famous poet who happens to have it, because DAMN, how do I NOT KNOW anything about this poet? Shame on me; I'm about to get my degree in Literature.

The following night I casually mentioned to Dan that I had reopened the nightstand baby book and found a name that I "kind of liked." With a long sideways glance, I tested his reaction to see if he was willing to consider a new name, given that he stands very firmly on either side of "Rayne" or "Milo." He gave me a semi-interested and open-minded, "Oh yeah? What is it?" so I mustered up my most non-chalant voice and replied, "Well, it's really a neat name because it's a combination of a traditional, Biblical name (which I like) BUT it has a little indie edge to it (which he likes)...

And, without further ado: "Ezra." My heart skips a beat as I watch his face. This is ***THE PERFECT BOY NAME*** and, of course I will NEVER, EVER CHANGE MY MIND. So he better like it. And at this point, he does. I am hoping the fact that I haven't mentioned it again will provide him the opportunity to let it sink in and absorb the indie-cool factor, so that ultimately, he will come to love it as much as I do.

To wrap up my long explanation: I grabbed the car baby name book on my way to work today in order to look up just exactly what Ezra means...Because it never occured to me in the insomnia-induced 7 hour frenzy to look up the meaning. What if it was "lazy," "boar," or "cheesedoodle"?

Ezra (Hebrew) helper; strong. Awwww....

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Awwww....is right.