Feb 13, 2011

how much can change in three years?

from "fill it in" on herzing luv, november thirteenth, o' seven:

10 Real Random Facts About Me:

1. One of my eyes is bigger than the other.
2. I lie about little things that don’t matter if I think it will make the story I am telling a little bit better.
3. I refuse cheese.
4. I have purchased something from an infomercial at 3:30 a.m.
5. I am pseudo-ambidextrous.
7. I have ten different syndromes simultaneously happening inside my body.
8. Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth or comb my hair or blow my nose.
9. One of my boobs is bigger than the other.
10. I write lots of stories.

ok, yes, all true. except i haven't written any stories over the last year. and i don't remember what the hell i bought from an infomercial at 3:30 a.m. ?? and i am better about my personal hygiene then i was, apparently, before.

9 Ways to Win My Heart:

1. Give me a nickname.
2. Don’t hit me.
3. Love my dog and cat.
4. Quote funny movie lines.
5. Massage my foot or hand or head.
6. Hand me that beer.
7. Be okay with my quiet and my loud.
8. Defend me when someone talks shit about me. Even if they are right.
9. Write me a letter!

oh yes, all still true.

my latest nickname is 'bangs mcgee,' and i love it. because i made it my profile name on facebook, i've discovered my name is popular with non-friends and gives me a fabulous reputation to proceed me when i make a new friend of a friend. my starbucks barista also calls me bangs mcgee, as well as 'autumn in new york,' or 'lee lee sobieski.' these are usually based on what i am wearing. for a while he was calling me 'harry potter' because i had a long striped scarf.

letters? all of the time i think i'm going to sit down with a pen and paper and bring back the beauty of written letters. and then i think, but who will write me back? it is an old fashioned and unlikely correspondence. but maybe to do it just for the joy of it... and of course texts/emails/comments win my heart.

8 Things I Carry/Wear Everyday

1. Diamonds
2. Undies
3. Cell phone
4. Lighter  Watch
5. Smokes  Gum
6. Keys
7. Pills
8. Debit card

i quit. to no fanfare. i think someone should have thrown me a party!

7 Things That Annoy Me

1. Over-reactors
2. Waking up and not being able to fall back asleep
3. Fruit flies
4. Poor circulation
5. When people use cell phones at inappropriate times
6. Junk mail
7. The person in the room that talks too much

still true!!! but i chose to bump junk mail for hobbes. specifically: hobbes waking me up all hours of the night with his meowing and clawing at the wall.

6 Things I Want to do Before I Die:

1. Write a complete manuscript for a novel.
2. Write a complete manuscript for a short story collection.
3. Write a complete manuscript for a memoir.
4. Write a complete screenplay.
5. Start my own business.
6. Be a mama.

wow. i don't feel that way about 1-5 at all anymore. that's strange. my entire life i've felt passionate about writing and dreamed of being published. now the thought just makes me shrug my shoulders with indifference. #5 is neither here nor there as well. every once in a while i think about what it would be like to own a little shop or be self-employed in some other capacity, but it no longer preoccupies my attention in the way that it used to. and after almost two years away from henny penny, plus an over-saturated market, i've lost interest in owning a baby boutique.

being a mama? i'm still interested in that. i can't believe it has been three years since we first decided to start a family. in addition to being a mama, i also hope to travel abroad. i was lucky to see italy, france, and england when i was 18, but i would love to do more travel, especially with dan.

other than that, i've got nothing. what do you guys want to do?!

5 Places I Have Lived:

1. Washington, Illinois - My whole life.
2. Goshen, Indiana - Amish country, three years at college.
3. Portland, Oregon - The longest honeymoon ever.
4. Chicago, Illinois - Just two years. Go Bears.
5. Sherwood, Oregon - Married life: Kickin’ it in the 'Wood.

still the same! what a surprise!!! three years ago i never would have believed that i would still be in sherwood. i'm a mover and a shaker. the grass is always greener on the other side: if i'm in one state, i want to be in another. if i'm in the suburbs, i want to be in the city. if i'm an owner, i want to be a renter. and vice versa. i do have the most loveliest of memories of each place i have lived, and that makes me think no matter where else i might go, it will be just as wonderful. (for now i am just hoping i will someday live in a home that has more windows and a bigger kitchen for my hot chef.)

4 Things I am Afraid Of:

1. Snakes
2. Debt
3. Ghosts
4. Losing loved ones

we have been able to reduce our debt as much as there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. i'm also not so afraid of ghosts anymore, but ask me again after you tell me a good story.

recent fears have mostly to do with 1.) another severe depression or 2.) the future in general, in the sense that i feel increasingly afraid of the unknown. rather than feel in control of and inspired by my future (as i have always felt) now i am completely hesitant. i don't know how to explain this fear any better.

3 Things I Do Everyday:

1. Swallow pills
2. Tell Dan I love him
3. Daydream

i literally do not daydream. for the first time in my life, i have no great adventures preoccupying my mind. i'll replace daydream with snuggle my blankies. that's right. i said it. i am nearly 30 and still sleep with blankies every night.

2 Things I’m Trying Not To Do:

1. Gain weight
2. Shop

i lost fifteen pounds, gained back ten, and now don't care how much i lose as long as i can diminish my swollen belly, which has expanded my waistline to a pre-diabetic width.

i don't shop as much as i used to, so i don't feel guilty when i do. in what i consider an ironic twist, i'd like to replace 'shop' with 'worry about what other people think about me'.     

1 Person I Want to See Now:
Jennifer Aniston. I hear she’s in town. my dad.

Hi, my name is:

When I'm nervous:
I feel like I’m going to puke.

The last song I listened to:
Something by Enya. "i think i need a new heart" by magnetic fields.

By this time next year:
I will have received my BA in English Literature & Writing. i will be, in some capacity, closer to being a mama.

I have a hard time understanding:

If I won an award, the first person I would tell:
My imaginary friend. what?! dan, of course!

Take my advice:
Laugh more.

Most recent thing I've bought myself:
Soup & a sandwich. a cute little navy and gray striped tee.

Most recent thing someone else bought me:
My sister bought me a tablecloth that I loved. i don't remember the last time i got a gift. apologies to who that was.

My favorite hair style:
Longer than it is now. long hair with whispies, loose curls, unkempt buns & knots. unfortunately this doesn't bode well for my paper thin hair. *sigh*

My middle name is:

In the morning I:
Am always running late. enjoy a mocha latte.

Last night I:
Started reading a new book. enjoyed dinner and tv with hubby. schezhwan noodles with tofu, lentils, and broccoli, and "the united states of tara" season 1, episodes 5 & 6.

If I was an animal I'd be a:

A better name for me would be:
Awnie. ha ha! that was one of allyson's nicknames for me in high school. i think it was the name of another student, a boy, so how she started calling me that, i don't know.

Tomorrow I am:
Going to work.

Tonight I am:
Hanging out with my boys.

The 7 people I miss the most are:
Right now? Hattie, Allyson, Megan, Rachel, Corey, Kate, Jim…I guess I should be in Illinois! ever since we left colorado i have missed sarah a lot. i also miss april. even though she is only two hours away, i haven't seen her in a year. and it's been a year and a half since i've seen our families and the brents. i can't wait for our trip back in the fall!

My favorite color(s):
Recently, orange. ivory, always ivory. and orange was replaced by purple.

My heart is:

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